
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Nursery Remix

Alternate titles for this post:
-So Nice, I Did It Twice
-Oops, I Did It Again

We have another grey room in the house. Kennedy saw the paint chips I chose for the dining room today (which are greyish blue) and this was the conversation that took place:

K: NO! We are NOT painting another room grey. I don't want the whole house to be grey.
S: Well, our last house was pretty much all the same color, it helps everything feel more cohesive. Plus, it's not all the SAME grey, there are different shades.
K: (Smiling creepily now) How many shades?
S: (Eye roll....eye roll....eye roll).

Yes! THREE eye rolls! He deserves a trophy for that one.

Now on to the nursery! We decided a couple of weeks ago that we would just go ahead and do the same thing in this nursery again. Because we loved it the first time, and already had everything for it (except paint, of course.)

Now that it's done, I HATE IT.

I'm kidding, I'm so glad we decided to do the same thing. It went much faster than if I had to start from scratch. Plus, how many people get a do-over on something like this? I had fun decorating again but with a different "canvas" this time. His room actually turned out better the 2nd time around, in my opinion!

Here's a link to see his first room if you want a refresher.

This time I decided to paint trees in more places than just the crib wall. I'm glad I did, I think it makes it feel less one-dimensional.

I also hung things in different places. For example, his letters that are above the bed used to be above the rocker.

Now the dog photos are above the rocker, where they used to be above the crib. I also wrapped the trees around the corner right here. You almost can't tell in this picture that the chair is in the corner.

Two big trees on either side of the bed

Here's the crib wall now. I have something planned for over the crib. I'm alllllmost done with it, then I'll share!

A surprise for Sully -- The world map rug is making its appearance here, fresh and clean! We've had fun playing on this rug lately.

Wanna see something cute?


I've got to be the worst blogger ever because I have a really nice camera but continue to use my iPhone out of convenience. As a result, you get to enjoy my grainy, blown-out photos.

The best part of this new room? It's not orange.

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