
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Angry Birds and a Redemption Lamp

Sometimes my crafts don't turn out the way I've planned. Sometimes, I spend all this time on something and then it just looks like it's home-made. Not in a good way.

I have seen these little stuffed birds all over the internet for a while now, and I decided I wanted to make a cute mobile for Campbell's room.

My birds didn't turn out quite as neat, although I was making 10 of them instead of just 1. So I cut some corners (literally and figuratively.)

I used this photo mobile that I bought on Amazon ($7.00!) before C was born. I had intended on making him a mobile for his old nursery, but could never decide what to put on it.

Here's the finished product. Looking a little jumbled for my taste.

As I was making them, and some of them were coming out WAY crazy looking, I kept telling myself it just added to their charm. I think really, it just looks a little scary. But I'm hoping Campbell will enjoy the moving colors above his crib. He can't see yet anyway, he's just a baby.

THEN, everything was made right again. The fam and I were at Lowe's tonight getting some trim for the dining room, when I came across this beaut.

Tree stump lamp

It was in the clearance section. Originally $50.00. Marked down to $15.00!!! And so perfect for the nursery. I mean, there are a bunch of trees in there, after all.

A few things:
  • I can't believe this lamp used to be $50.00. I seriously can't think of a soul that would pay $50.00 for this. I mean, I'm in love with it because it is perfect for the nursery,'s a tree stump. Maybe if it was white it might look like it's from West Elm or something.
  • I take back the last comment. The more I look at it, the more I love it anywhere. In a chair. While brushing my hair.
  • It's also a steal because usually, just the lamp shade would cost $15.00.
  • If you like this lamp as much as I do, you can make your own!!! Out of a real tree stump even, not a plaster one. You can literally make any non-living thing into a lamp. All you need is a drill and a light kit. Maybe not even a drill if it already has holes. I made lamps once, and it was really easy. Check them out here!
  • Kennedy's off the next 2 days, weeeeee!!!!

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