
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bathroom, Interrupted

I hate to disappoint, but it's not much fun taking pictures of a gutted bathroom (after the first time.) Progress continues to be made (thanks to Kennedy, pictured below.)

Unfortunately, it's not the kind of progress that is particularly interesting at this point in time. So in the meantime, I'll show some befores and afters of one room that has been completed for a while now (until I figure out how to decorate it, anyway!)

Meet the office
Move-in day

Then, a little later...

Another shot of the giant window - unfinished at this point.

If you click that link, you can see my wishlist. Well as of today, the only thing on that list that is currently in our office is that beautiful desk we scored on Craigslist. It was $200 but we considered it a steal since it is an antique naval officer's desk. Still trying to find out it's exact origination, but we know it was made in Chicago, so we are imagining it came from the Navy Pier (where we spent a few days after Kennedy and I got engaged.) Anyway, boring, I know. 

Moving along....

Here are some photos of what our office looks like NOW!

Literally, I took the pictures just now.

Notice the crown molding and baseboards that the Hulk, I mean Kennedy, installed himself! Scroll up to look at the very first picture so you can see what a dramatic difference it makes. 

New closet doors, also installed by the Hulk.

Now that I'm looking at the pictures, I'm hating that rug with those curtains ($8.99 per panel for Waverly curtains at Ross!), so I'm thinking I should switch it out for something like this:

This will give it a little more of a nautical feel. Yes, I think that's what I'm going for...

We need to hang our diplomas on the wall, among other decorations. Perhaps I'll get around to printing and framing the pictures from my wish list post!

For now, we are satisfied with our progress on the office. Stay tuned, I may decide it needs to be pink!

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