
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Upstairs Update from Super Mom

I feel like I have accomplished everything except working out today. Go ME! (Because sometimes you just need to give yourself a pat on the back, ya know?)

Among the things I've accomplished today:

  • Made dinner
  • Played with/entertained a toddler
  • Drove to McDonald's with a toddler and 2 dogs in the car
  • Made some DIY art
  • Framed said art
  • Disciplined a toddler (time-out time, y'allllllll)
  • Decorated our upstairs hallway
That's an impressive list, especially since I am choosing to not share pictures of what the rest of my house currently looks like. Read: It's a disaster. But I don't care because I'm just gonna hang out in the hallway for a bit anyway!

So I don't have a great picture of the hallway before, but it was just a run of the mill hall. Some doors, some walls, this color:

Click here to read about those floating frames using some instagram photos.

The newly painted landing wall...If you look closely, you can see some stripes. I did that using the same wall color, but different finishes. (I kept it cheap by painting the stripes on using a paint sample for like $3. It only comes in Satin finish, and we buy all our wall paint in an eggshell finish.)

Just to the left of the landing is a big wall, with the art I made and framed and hung today.

Art close-up. I'm considering this art a "place-holder" until I can put in it what I really want. It's kind of plain, but it brings color up to the hall and fills that wall. Plus it was super cheap because I already had the frames. I just colored on some paper with oil pastels, and then smoothed it out with my hands.

A view from the master bedroom, looking out. There you can see the DIY mirrors I made on the left.

Oh yeah, we still have the rest of the foyer to paint. I'm not sure what we're waiting on. Probably a growth spurt where I grow 14 ft.

Now on to parenting things!

Today I decided to start "time-out" with Campbell. It's not something I was looking to do just for the fun of it, but I think the time is right. He's been testing limits a LOT in the past couple of weeks. We've mostly been trying to just correct and set limits, but guess what?

I've had ENOUGH of him throwing all his food on the floor for fun. Not fun anymore, Campbell. Not. Fun. Anymore. 

So the first couple of times he threw some food down I told him "No, don't throw your food." About the 3rd time when he looked at me, then threw it down, he was taken out of the high chair and put in the corner.

Repeat 4 times. Crying. Screaming. Begging. Pleading. (That's how I knew he knew.) I tried to say very little except, "don't throw your food." (Is there a Yo Gabba Gabba song for this yet?)

When the crying stopped, I wiped my eyes and put him back in the high chair. Kidding, guys. I didn't cry this time. I just asked him if he wanted more food, which he responded with the "more" sign. I put him in the chair and he finished eating without throwing food.

I could see it in his eyes. He wanted to throw the food. At this point, it's probably second nature. I had to remind him a ton of times, but he started handing me the food he didn't want anymore. 

I consider this a parenting win for the day. I know we're gonna go around and around on this one for a few days, I'm just praying I can stay consistent!

Parenting fail today: Letting him take a maraca in the crib at nap time. I put him down an hour-and-a-half ago, and he's still shaking that thing.

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