
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Bachelor 17 - It's baaaaaaack!

- Have a backyard bbq with your family to show how you're a family man. Check!
- Toss some pebbles into the ocean waves and look like you're imagining your future wife. Check!
- Climb this mountain shirtless. Check!
- Stare into the mirror while we slow zoom in on your eyes. (Not check, but I know it's coming!)

It's that time again! The Bachelor is BACK! And if you can remember, Kennedy and I got hooked on last season's Bachelorette with Emily Maynard. BTW - I am now friends with her on Instagram, not to brag. I mean, I follow her but she isn't following me back, but I know she's really busy with Ricky and the break-up with Jef. So I'm not too worried about it.

How sweet was it that Arie stopped by to shoot the breeze with Sean before he meets the girls? They're practicing how to say "Will you accept this rose?" and I dunno....I think he needs a little more practice...he just doesn't quite have it yet. So good thing they moved on to giving each other kissing tips. This is not starting out well.

I wonder what Emily was thinking when she saw this scene? (GASP! Do you think Emily watched?!?!?)

Cue staring at the sunset off the edge of a cliff.

Here's my first impressions of the "stand-out stars" of the show, in chronological order! (Note: Not all girls are accounted for here.)

-Tierra - One word: CRAZY. Wait, one more: CRAZY. Waaaatch out, Sean!
- Sarah - One arm. This really threw me for a curve because they didn't introduce it outright. Good job Bachelor, letting me harshly judge her personality beforehand. Now I feel like a jerk.
- Ashley P. - "It's just me and my cat now." Loves 50 Shades of Grey enough that it made it into her bio.

(It should be noted that every single intro video so far has included the girl at work pretending to answer the phone with important business.)

- Jackie - can put red lipstick on without a mirror - impressive and a little scary.
- Taryn - LOVE HER. PICK HER NOW! I hope she's not hiding her crazy for later.
- Robyn - Did backflips on her way to meet Sean and FELL. Thank you, Bachelor gods.

(The meetings get more and more awkward as the show goes on...)

- Kristy - "I'm gonna pee my pants right now."
- Last but not least... Lindsay - OMG. OMG. OMG. I can't wait for this season now. Instantly reminded me of "The Simple Life" starring Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie for some reason.

Oh wait, then there's Kacie B., but I don't know enough about past seasons to know or care who that is.

Yay! This is gonna be a fun season, what with all the crazies. Can't wait to blog my way through season 17 of the Bachelor!


  1. I used to work out at the same gym in Dallas as Sean. so Yup. I'm watching this season!

    Excited to read your recaps- because you are SPOT on so far :-)

  2. OK I LOVE love love Sean so I'm super excited for this season but I am a sucker and I read the Reality Steven spoiler and I'm so not happy with his!

    I absolutely love Taryn too! She's so cute and seems so sweet. I was so sad they didn't talk much on the first episode!


Is anybody out there?