
Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012!!

We've been hit with a nasty cold over here at the Dean household, and it's slowed us down a bit and put some of us out of commission. I absolutely hate being sick (who doesn't, I guess?), and I rarely am. So when I feel a little under the weather, I spend most of the time in denial about it. I have too much stuff to do!

Anyhow, I was looking through our Thanksgiving pictures and thought it could not go without sharing! We spent the week in Kentucky with Kennedy's family, and it was a great little reunion. We were sad that not everyone could make it this time, but still managed to have some fun. Thankfully, Kennedy and I were able to keep from getting sick until after we got home.

This guy, however, suffered through like a little snot-rocketing champ. You wouldn't even notice he was sick if he wasn't dripping from the nose constantly. (Sorry to any and all family members who caught whatever it is we brought to Thanksgiving.)

The best part (for me) was getting to see Campbell reunited with family he hasn't seen in a while, as well as meeting family for the first time! Special moments, all around.

Campbell with his Grandma Dean - they love each other.

Here, with his Aunt Julie and Great-Grandmother.

Cousin Miles (can't help but hear him say "Exercisin'" every time I see his picture now,) Aunt Stephanie and Cousin Audrey (Due January 2013!)

This looks familiar - with Uncle Stinson! In a few short years, Uncle Stinson will finally have someone to wrestle with again, since Kennedy is now 30 and 'too old for that kind of thing.'

Our view for the week - so peaceful.

Kennedy got this shot, and I am forever grateful to him for that. 

The week was spent eating, lounging, and visiting. All these things are like chicken soup for my soul. Mmmmm, soup. 

I also got to take some fun maternity pictures of Stinson & Stephanie, I'll share a couple of my favorites:

Of course there are many more family members not pictured in this post, and I will blame that on the fact that Kennedy had the camera most of the time, and he tends to only take pictures of C-Baby and the dogs. Sorry to the rest of the family, it doesn't mean we don't love you! :-)

Now it is time for me to sit down and make a bunch of to-do lists, because that's how I function! This house is a sick wreck, and not up to my Christmas par. So that's what I'll be doing tonight!

But before I go, I need to list out things I am thankful for. And not to be cliche, but because I want to make sure to take time and recognize the good things in my life. This list is incomplete, but a great start.

1. For my handsome, generous, sacrificing husband. He does anything and everything for me, and I don't even have to ask. I'm extremely spoiled and undeserving.

2. For Campbell. Light of our lives. Loves everyone and spreads cheer everywhere he goes. He may or may not grow up to be Santa.

3. For family (immediate AND in-laws), and for the quality of people we are blessed to be surrounded by and influenced by on a regular basis.

4. Food, duh.

5. The dogs, most of the time. For their unconditional love.


  1. I told Steph that I LOVE the pictures you took and I figure I should tell you too!

  2. Just saw your comment Kristen, but thank you!


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