And I'm still blogging. It's definitely not a new habit though. So don't get your hopes up.
Our house is like a bad version of Clue right now. There's a sledge hammer in the guest room. A power drill in the nursery. 3 tape measurers in the kitchen. It's a little out of control, but I'm leaving it until Kennedy gets back in town.
Not because it's necessarily his mess to clean up, but because I have easy access to "weapons" should the need arise. (Fun Fact: Anytime he's out of town, I have an 'intruder plan' for any room in my house. I am really good at thinking of creative ways to use items as defense mechanisms.)
Today I finished the package of cookie dough I bought on Monday. It was a really shameful moment. Almost an epiphany, but not quite. I have GOT to quit eating like this, and maybe now that the cookie dough's gone, I can move on to healthier pastures. One positive step is that I replaced my daily Dr Pepper with a Cherry 7-Up today. It has antioxidants!
I'm not even trying to lose weight, I just want to quit poisoning myself with so much sugar. And I need to work out, because the closer I get to the big three-oh, the more atrophied my body becomes. I feel so oooooollllllld!
Also today, I went to Target. I needed some Hercules Hooks and white chalk, but only found some overpriced knock-off versions of the hooks, and no chalk. I couldn't believe Target didn't have ANY chalk?!?! I just needed white chalk. So instead I got two beautiful white enamel picture frames on clearance, and a stuffed turkey hat from the 1 spot for Kennedy.
He's going to be so excited when I give it to him. I'm thinking it's a good replacement for "the apron" I made him throw away about a year ago. If you don't know what apron I'm talking about, then you weren't at our 2009 New Year's Eve party. (Right, Kara Johnson LaPenna?)
I'm sad Blogtober's over. You need to sill update a lot with pictures of your house projects and baby project.