
Friday, August 10, 2012

New House: Guest Bedrooms and a Nursery Dilemma

Ok, here's where it's going to get crazy. Let's take a look at the guest rooms.
  • HUGE guest rooms! These rooms are way bigger than our old guest rooms. It's nice to have a little more room for different furniture.
  • Lots of natural light. We were there during the day, and it got lots of real light. One weird thing about buying a house is how you don't really get to see it after dark (if someone's living in it, it's weird to ask them to be out of the house during their evening routine, in my opinion.)
  • Wall color
  • Wall decals - easy to remove, but just adds a step to the whole decorating process.
So, guest rooms aren't a priority for decorating. I haven't thought much about what I want to do in each, other than neutral colors. I do have several old end tables that I want to paint for one of the guest rooms, and I'm leaning toward something fun like coral for those. 

However, the nursery IS a priority. Especially since we are most likely going to put the nursery in the orange room, and I just have a feeling that waking up to that color every morning might shock the poor baby.

Here is my dilemma: Should I do the same thing in this nursery as his old nursery, or should I go in a completely different direction?

It would be almost the same amount of work for either - the only difference being if I went with a new "theme" there would be a few details that I'd have to get together first (i.e. new crib skirt, curtains, etc.)

If I go with the old nursery theme, seen below, I could still change it up a bit to make it somewhat newer - maybe change the accent color from bright green to bright blue?

That way, I could still use the crib skirt, curtains and throw pillows that I already made. I could also do more of the stenciled trees on the wall (it only took me about an hour to do in the first place) - maybe carry the trees to an adjacent corner and then a few gathered across the room in another corner.

The main reason I would do the same nursery theme the same way again is that I was pretty sad to leave his nursery behind when we sold the house.

Now, the other idea I had was to go in a completely different direction and do a nautical theme!

I saw this cruise-ship themed nursery a while back and thought it was suuuuuper adorable:

I wouldn't do exactly the same thing, but I would use the navy blue on the walls - possibly do a chair rail with white below or some sort of white wainscoting...And I think I'd want it to have an old world feel. So we would use old maps, dark stained wood in some places...Possibly frame some fun pictures of boats or something?

I actually have a lot of things to do a nautical theme already, including a small stained glass lighthouse lamp (it makes a great night-light!) We also have several (6-8 to be exact) round wooden frames like the one pictured below:

I would add mirrors to them and line them up along one wall to make it look like port holes on a ship.

Also, I have a round rug that looks like a globe that's from ikea about 9-10 years ago. Couldn't find a picture but it might just end up in his room either way.

Maybe I could DIY some kind of bunting using flags from around the world like this:

So, I'm sure you can sympathize with my dilemma (first world problems, I know.) But I just cannot make a decision. And I feel a sense of urgency due to the orange nature of the room. I would LOVE for you to vote. It might help me make a decision. Or I might ignore everyone's thoughts and continue to waffle. But I guess we won't know until you leave me feedback.

It's my blog, so do what I say.


  1. I vote for a nautical theme, I'm loving your port hole idea.

  2. I vote nautical theme. Decorating nurseries is fun and twice in a year seems even more exciting.

  3. I vote for the nautical theme. If you use the same theme he had in the other house, it will keep reminding you of how much you miss it.

  4. you are so creative!! I like both, but the nautical theme gets my vote.

  5. Nautical. His outfit I got him will match the nautical theme and I want a picture of him in that outfit sitting in the middle of the room. Also, please get that rug deep cleaned before you let poor C play on it.


Is anybody out there?