
Friday, August 3, 2012

'Hello!' from St. John!

In St. John, (US Virgin Islands), people speak English. So there was no need to use a foreign word in my title. Not that I'm against speaking other languages in the US, like some people. That's neither here nor there.

Just popped in to give a quick update from our quick vacation! It's magical here. The Westin resort sits on a perfectly secluded cove in Cruz Bay. The water is calm. No waves here. I'm taking lots of pictures, and will try to share them soon!

Today we spent some time at the pool. I was eating my lunch on the lounge chair when this thing


literally HOVERED a foot over me, trying to steal a french fry or half of my buffalo chicken wrap. I shrieked loudly, and it flew away. Then a swarm of them came circling around our area because some genius left their pizza out while they went swimming. I wielded Kennedy's shirt like a sword and they didn't come near me.

THEN, I was lounging in the pool, looked to my left, and THIS GUY:


was swimming straight for me! I loudly exclaimed that there was an Iguana swimming in the pool (which, by the way, a ton of people already knew and had their cameras out...but no warning for me...THANKS) and took a few strokes back.

It swam over to the edge right in front of where Kennedy and Campbell were sitting/laying. Kennedy jumped up on his chair and curled into the fetal position and I knew in that moment that if the Iguana tried to eat my baby, I would be the only one to stop him. 

It's my blog, and this is how I remember it happening.


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