
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

S'Mo Holiday Deco'

But first, a stream-of-consciousness interlude (with holiday overtones)!

I swear, if Cece doesn't quit with the gigantic paw-swipes across my bare skin (arms, face, neck...), she's going to be wearing Christmas mittens for the rest of her life. I will duct tape them to her if I have to.

I don't mean to be a Grinch about it, but whomever was responsible for her when she was a puppy forgot to remove those little hook-shaped claws half-way up her leg, and those suckers are SHARP.

I stopped in at Hobby Lobby today to pick up some picture frames for above the crib in the nursery. The frames will house a picture of each of the (3) dogs. I got to thinking how cute it would be to have baby pictures of our dogs in the nursery. Unfortunately, Cece and Harry both joined our family as adult dogs. Sad.

Fortunately, dogs are pretty much like babies forever! Charging camera now to take a photo of Harry.

I went outside to take some pictures of the lights Kennedy hung and it was starting to sprinkle. I thought to myself, "Good thing I'm at the end of day 2 on this hair style." If that makes sense to you, then you don't wash your hair every day. Also, the bottom half of lights on the house were out. Needless to say, Kennedy fixed them in less than 5 minutes, but I was already sitting on the couch by then. So no picture of the outside.

Do people really like to see other people's Christmas decorations? I mean, I like to see other people's decorations, but is it completely boring to post pictures of my own on my blog? Oh well. If you hate Christmas, then stop reading now. (Also, hating Christmas/Holiday lights probably makes you a terrorist. Just saying.)

The "peacock-inspired" tree in the fireplace room

Close-up of the ornaments on this tree. Working on a tree topper soon!

A terrible iPhone picture of some ornaments in a bowl on the coffee table.
When I say it that way, it really takes all the magic out of Christmas, doesn't it?
Pinterest would describe it as a "rustic holiday centerpiece."

My view from the couch every night (except the television is on and I am using the laptop - but I left this out of the photo.)

Why buy a tree skirt when you can use a fuzzy white blanket that's been balled up in the laundry room for 3 months because no one wanted to fold it?

That, my friends, concludes the holiday tour thus far. Perhaps someday I will post a photo of the outside lights. I still have more Christmas decorations to put up, so we'll see.

I hate grading papers.

1 comment:

Is anybody out there?