
Saturday, October 15, 2011


Is that what's happening to me? I hate it when everyone is right. But at the same time, if nesting is a real thing that happens to pregnant women, I'm glad I got it as one of my symptoms. You would not BELIEVE what I got done today. I have energy to spare! It's ridiculous, but in a wonderful way.

And I'm sorry for the lack of blogging, but let's just go ahead and be honest with each other. I'm not a good blogger, and I'm going to stop pretending to be.

Have you heard of Pinterest yet? If not, get over there now! Especially if you're addicted to the internet but have run out of things to do. You can start by browsing my pinterest. It's pretty easy to figure out what it is, so I'll spare the sales pitch that I keep giving everyone.

The reason I bring it up is because I spent a lot of today and some of this week doing some things I found on Pinterest.

First up, my halloween wreath!

I found this little beauty on Pinterest:

And here is my version:

This was SO EASY. I got a wire hanger and pulled it into a circle. Then I tied strips of black tulle all the way around until it looked full. (I actually think I ended up using 7 yards of tulle from a bolt of fabric that I cut into strips. So, tulle is hard to cut straight, but it doesn't matter for this because it looks better kind of jagged.

If you wanted it to look more like the original picture, you could get an embroidery ring in a preferred size (about $2 at a craft store) and make the tulle strips a little longer. I like doing things for mostly cheap, and I am always trying to get rid of those wire hangers. So. There's that.

It currently hangs on my front door. Now I'm thinking that I need to repaint our front door from red to a dark blue/cornflower blue color like this:

Reason being, I have already started making that wreath as well, and I think it's going to clash with red. We'll see. It's a little more labor-intensive, but here's my progress so far:

Tutorial can be found here. Can't wait! I think this wreath will be great for between Halloween and Christmas, and then after Christmas, and Spring and Summer. It's very versatile!

Last thing to share from Pinterest before I fall asleep. (Weird, I was just wide awake and now I'm not so much.)

Coconut Chicken. YUM!

Stop whatever you're doing and go make this right now. I won't blog again until you do.

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