
Thursday, October 15, 2009


It was like, 75 degrees today and then the sun went down and I'm shivering in my house! We should probably turn the heat on, but we're self-punishers that way. After getting an extremely low electric bill today, I wouldn't be surprised if we went through the entire winter without turning the heat on. Daring!

Starbucks interview today. I think it went well, but we'll see. Kennedy told me to "be prepared that you might not get the job..." Thanks, Kennedy. I think I will just laugh if I don't get it. Just laugh and laugh and laugh and then never try for a real job ever again.

While I'm thinking of it, or obsessing over it really, I want to talk about a new website at which I've been spending way too much time.

The Pioneer Woman

Recipes, photography, giveaways, home and garden, a neat chronicle of a house remodel! You can find all these things and so much more here. AND. It's completely run by one woman. I loooove it! Go read it, if you haven't already found it. That's where I'll be immediately after I finish typing this blog post.

Guess what? I didn't take a picture of the green yet. And it's dark again. I was literally either asleep or web designing all day today. Most of it was web-designing (I think.)

Kennedy gave Elvis a bath yesterday (followed by almost cutting one of his paws off with the nail clipper,) so now he is very, very fluffy and fat. If I put my hand on his fur, it will literally spring back from the amount of body and volume in his hair. And he's just more confident now that he's been groomed. Just thinking about him makes me want to squeeze him until his little eyes pop out!!! (I'm obsessed with Elvis.)

I love learning! Can we please take up a collection at the end of my post so I can go back to school? I finally decided. I don't want to study social work or some science. I want to study graphic art and web design. And I want to know everything about it so I can go to nerdy web design conferences (is there such a thing? I'm sure...) and learn even more!

Right now, like 4 minutes ago, I just learned how to add texture to a photo in Photoshop.

Uh-oh. What if I start doing this to every single photo I take? Also, while I'm thinking of it, I need to start taking more photos!

And let the collection begin.

1 comment:

  1. you should burn me a copy of photoshop or let me borrow it,
    doesnt it allow you to install it on more than one computer?? I need a newer version that 5.5


Is anybody out there?