
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Happy Fall!

Yeah, I know I'm about a week late. Tough!

I've been terrible about keeping this blog up. Once every week or two is just not cutting it for me. In an attempt to re-find my writing voice, (and to just add another item to my to-do list?) I'm pleased to announce a remarkable event, hosted by me.

Blog Every Day in October!

That's right, friends! I am challenging myself (and you, if you so choose to accept) to blog EVERY SINGLE DAY in this month of October.

Are you seeing this after October 1st has come and gone? No worries, start where you're at!
Hopefully this will also push me to give a little more attention to the appearance of my site. The possibilities are endless!

And, as a special treat for those of you who do not have a blog, I have enabled MY blog to accept comments from anyone. (This is for you, Aunt Faye. I know you tried to leave a comment before and it wouldn't let you.)

See you tomorrow!


  1. Yay!! I'm glad you are going to blog everyday, that sounds pretty extreme so good luck!

  2. I think I just might accept this challenge..I've been neglecting my blog for far too long! :)

  3. Hi!
    I found your site through a friend of a friends site....and I would love to join in the challange!
    I really have enjoyed reading your blog..even though I do not now you its been fun to see others lives!
    God Bless


Is anybody out there?