
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

IKEA HACK: My new kitchen table!

When Kennedy and I first got married, he literally had an antique wooden box full of hand-me-down tools. I don't think a single one of them required a battery or power cord. He had also never painted a wall before. (??? What?)

And now here we are, and he's a full-blown carpenter (in my loving eyes.) He spent the last two weekends building me a kitchen table and bench. How could I not brag about it on my blog? Especially since I haven't blogged in like, 5 weeks, and I can't think of anything else to write about at the moment.

I've been wanting a stainless steel-top table for a while now, but you know me. I'm unwilling to pay retail value for anything. So when I saw that IKEA had this table top, I knew Kennedy would jump at the chance to build it for me. It also meant he got to get a new power tool (a table saw), so he was more than happy to oblige.

Peek a boo! I spy our old kitchen table in the background. Someone needs to buy that thing on Craigslist.

Then he built me this bench, which I love. And apparently so does Campbell, because I've already caught him using it to parlay himself onto the table itself. So, parent fail for not recognizing that potential hazard upfront.

The chairs are from World Market, and you can find them here.

Campbell also likes to climb on those chairs, which means I will be investing in some scotch guard spray this week. Homeboy rarely is without dirt/food/crayons in his hands.

In other (more depressing) news, Kennedy cancelled our cable and it went off today. (See how I made him seem like the villain in this situation? I guess I agreed to it. Kind of.) So I bet I'll be spending a lot more time on the blog now. 

For 1 month. I give it 1 month.